Tuesday, March 15, 2011


You ask what the heck is a Paczki?  Well, to start with it's pronounced closer to "punch-key".  It's a special version of a filled doughnut from Poland. A pre-Lenten treat, it's something like a big, powdered sugar coated, fruit/jelly-filled doughnut. It's Poland's version of the German Berliner or Bismarck and the Austrian Krapfen.  They were developed in the theme of giving up rich things for the forty days fast of Lent, primarily sugar, sweets and shortening. Traditionally, they were made on Fat Tuesday (Ostatki) the day before Ash Wednesday.

Unlike what we that have lived on during the Krispy-Kreme era, the Paczki has a different texture and color than the traditional fried doughnut. They look pretty similar on the outside but the inside is noticeably yellow from the extra eggs used.  The texture is also different as they are more dense and less cake-like than the yeasty fried treats were are familiar with.

The bottom line is that Paczkis are a delicious treat only available for a limited time and amazingly available at of all places Walmart!  They've been carrying them this time of the year for at least four years now. Years ago they were more ball-like but now are bigger but flatter like their European cousins. They're located in their Deli-Bakery area and come in a box of six, usually with a raspberry filling for $4.00.  For aficionados of fried dough treats, you really need to get a move on to be able to try these as they are only available for a few weeks prior to Lent. For folks in more cosmopolitan areas that have a Polish population like Cincinnati and more northern bergs, many bakeries will have these available with a likewise varience in styles. Get a move on before you have to wait another year to try them!


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